Jim is not rich in money, because he lost all of it before he ran away.  He is rich in freedom.  Jim does not have to work and is not beaten, because no one owns him.  In addition, he rich in belief.  Jim believes in good luck signs.  He thinks that his hairy arms mean that he will be rich one day.  People can be rinch in money, love, happiness, and freedom.
Jim decided to run away when he overheard Miss Watson talking about selling him.  She did not want to sell him, but she cared more about the $800 she would receive.  Jim did not want to be sold to someone in New Orleans.  The only thing Jim could do to avoid being sold was to run away.
Huck sawed a hole in the back of the cabin.  Then he took all the food and supplies that were in the cabin and placed the supplies in his canoe.  With the gun, Huck shot a wild boar and used its blood to stage his own murder.  Huck knocked down the door and made the house look like a robbery and murder.  This tells the reader that Huck is very ingenious when it comes to the real world.  He can be creative and smart but not in a normal manner.